What If You Knew When You Would Die? Poem by Hailey Agnew

What If You Knew When You Would Die?

if you knew,
when you would die,
would you live your life to the fullest,
or would you act the same way you did all the time?
if you knew,
when you would die,
would you freak out,
or would you be satisfied?
what if,
you were scheduled to die tomorrow?
would you be frightened beyond emotion,
or would you break down in sorrow?
what about the helpless feeling,
of having to accept?
knowing you couldn't do anything,
to make it better or re-direct?
what about the fact that there was nothing you could do,
your time wasn't up,
and there was so much you never knew?
so much you never felt,
so much you never did.
so much you never tried,
so much you never really lived.
all your goals,
gone out the window,
all your hopes,
disapear without your will.
if you knew,
would you write a will?
or would that make it too real?
what would you do,
what would you feel?
knowing nobody would believe you,
knowing you were never going to have another chance,
knowing all your hopes and dreams and talent no longer mattered,
knowing nobody would give your petty pleas a second glance.
would you accept,
and lie for your last rest?
or would you rebel,
and run for miles away from this mess?
what about knowing,
there's nothing to run from,
because you can't escape death,
and death will come when it comes?
i say,
oh hell,
i love you all,
please don't fight.
i hope this won't hurt,
i hope it will be over quickly,
i hope i die respectfully,
and leave this world peacefully.

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