What Is Love? Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

What Is Love?

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What is love in essence?
Love, sublimation of self,
Yet self in essence,
But, beyond self;
Love is transcendental process
That binds in and out to one
And fades barrier in between;
Love is metamorphosis of soul
To emotions of Himalayan heights,
Where Heaven and Earth meet horizons
And Shiva and Gouri in ecstatic tandem
Indulge in sacred cosmic dance,
Where Earth or Heaven, vacant and hollow,
No more temptations hold.

Love is world beyond world,
Where common rules hold no sway,
No time or space really counts;
Love is ethereal, but very real,
Elevates soul to surreal colours
Of intense pains and intense pleasures
And reveals God in bond it creates;
Love knows no limits,
It grows with time,
It lights bright in togetherness,
Flares wild in separation’s pains
And loves to rest in its own space;
Two souls throb in unison in love,
Two eyes see same colours in love,
Two hearts speak same language in love
And flows same blood in their veins;
Love, divine glue for willing souls,
And pulling apart disfigures both;
Once in true love,
Lost in it forever,
Like delved to ocean of divine treasures
And shocked by its joys and pleasures,
Indeed unless jealous real world
Pulls the rug from ‘neath the feet
By awkward rules it throws at it.

Love is hard and diamond strong,
It yields not to dictates outside,
Do or die, it fights to the end;
Love loses not, love sinks not,
Love hops worlds when hurdles bolt;
Love loves to give and takes to fold,
And transforms two to heavenly bliss;
No prides there, no differences
No you and I interfere there;
She is his world, he is hers,
They live for the other if it’s true love.

Gajanan Mishra 16 March 2014

very fine love, Love, love, love, love.. Please read my poems and comment.

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