What Is There To Say Poem by Shamik Kumar Bose

What Is There To Say

What is there to say / When I do an another boot polish on my ego /And get the worn out a little bit shiner / What is there to say / When the last hue of the day's Sun pours its gold/ And I ignore/ And I torch on the lamp of my bedroom/ I think, I am full with light/ What is there to say/ When the waves strike the rugged stone That was once in the Equator / And the shining white of the wings dives into the Michigan lake / I feel to dive like him / To dissolve into the cold sweetness of the primordial water / I feel a bit vague to take a snapshot / What is there to say / As I pour one more Jack Daniel's /And allow my mind to wreck / Not to rationalize/ I feel Cigarette the damnest thing /To see a close one to die in pain/Yet nothing can be done at this moment /Yet I feel to take the next puff/ What is there to say / That life is nothing but a play/ The plot is written already/ And we here, just to play.

Copyright: Shamik Bose 2009

Shamik Kumar Bose

Shamik Kumar Bose

Jalpaiguri Town, West Bengal, India
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