What Matter Poem by Francis Duggan

What Matter

What matter if my stuff is worthless since 'tis not for perfection i write
I do have a penning addiction and my urge to write i cannot fight
For as long as i live I'll be writing right up till my very last day
Just one more ageing addictive rhymer i will never give writing away
I email my stuff to Willy Chaplin and Willy he puts it online
But as i age i do not get better few seem to mature like good wine
Yet there's always something to write of and though i am decades past my prime
As i age I've not grown less addictive I'll always be addicted to rhyme
I must justify my existence though that can be said of us all
And i will write till the Reaper will claim me though others me will not recall
From writing few ever grow wealthy and from writing few ever know fame
And for me as well as so many others it is just a hungry belly game
Just one more ageing addictive rhymer and there are plenty more like me around
And of poetasters there are plenty though poets are quite hard to be found.

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