What Miracle Can Make Man Complete? Poem by Ramesh T A

What Miracle Can Make Man Complete?

Bountiful beauty of Nature mellows heart and cools temper by its generosity;
What a solace one gets in its graceful embrace that gives greatest comfort
Nothing can give in this material world full of competition for profit making ever!

We are heartlessly driven to extremist route for all matters of no importance ever;
All religious and political making lure and leave all to dark den or abyss only;
Realizing its futility by preachers and promise makers, all wake up to reality!

Doing duty to perfection all things and beings in Nature spend all their time
Making all things beautifully attracting to mesmerize by its spell magic ever;
Such a power and bewitching art only man by art and poetry can do sure

Not realizing such a power within our reach due to our creativity like all in Nature,
We are pursing materialistic goals to accrue wealth to boost one's economy
That all believe will solve all problems of man's needs emotional and spiritual!

Just economic and technological progress can't satisfy social needs ever;
All round harmonious development by human culture only can do that miracle!

Thursday, November 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: culture
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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