What They Say (For My Friend Baharak) Poem by Daniel Brick

What They Say (For My Friend Baharak)

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They say all the waters
of the Earth converge
beneath this place

They say the winds
of the four quarters
of the World begin
in the forest enclosing you

They say nowhere is
there bluer sky than
the sky above you

They say veins
of precious metals
abound in the rocks
on which you stand

They say the four seasons
agreed to cycle through the year
when time gathered them in this space

They say the first woman and
the first man to embrace in passion
left their cries and sighs
in the air you are now breathing

They say female poets
rendered mute by catastrophe
became the earliest Muses
when they became one with this place

They say male poets
who wrote only war epics
invented lyric poetry here
when the Muses touched them

They say what must be said
is said here, and what must be heard
is heard here, without end

They say if this place lives
in your heart when you return
to the World, you will live a pure life

Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: prophecy
Jette Blackstone 18 October 2017

I don't know Baharak...but WOW to him for inspiring such a poem from you. I read this poem as a reminder that we are all one that everything flows through us and around us. I think the religious might think of the holy spirit when reading this. A conceiving of the origin of poetry as well. Thanks for sharing this Daniel. I read this as somewhat of a departure from how you have been writing of late. Take care.

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Daniel Brick 18 October 2017

It's true as you say this poem is a departure. It came out of my Heart Chakra instead being born out of my hard rational head like Athena in full armor from the head of Zeus. I think your New Testament reference to the Holy Spirit is very apt. I meant this poem to be a release of Light for Baharak, a young woman in Tehran who has a beautiful soul.Thanks for reading with such creative perception, my friend - with two names.

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Rini Shibu 18 October 2017

Amazing poem.. Enjoyed reading it What once own heart say is the true vision to live a pure life

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