What Will God Do? Poem by Denis Martindale

What Will God Do?

What will God do this brand new day?
Whose world will God improve?
To whom will Jesus show the way
To guide them to the Truth?
Our God is love and truth and light
And all we know that's good.
What will God do to put things right
Within our neighbourhood?

What will God do this brand new morn?
Right from the start, He's here!
Before the light that heralds dawn,
His love casts out all fear.
His perfect love transcends the night,
Its darkness holds no power!
Our God has all things in His sight,
Each second of each hour!

What will God do for you, for me?
What prayers have Christians prayed?
What miracles are yet to be?
What wonders yet unmade?
Yet we are called to help the Lord,
As if His hands and feet.
To serve with love, not for reward,
With tenderness so sweet.

What will we do for God today
To serve our God and King?
To help Him save lost lambs astray,
To teach them psalms to sing?
Because today is quite unique,
Serve God before it's through
God knows our needs before we speak!
Yet asks, 'What will YOU do? '

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