What You Deserve Poem by Randy McClave

What You Deserve

You have been used and hurt and defeated
Then you treat others how you were treated,
You don't treat them the way you wished to be greeted
So, of course you have also stole and cheated.
You told lies and then you spread a false rumor
You see it as revenge and funny with your ill humor,
Lies destroy as much as a tumor
You have become a loathing lie believing consumer.
You have broke many promises that you had made
Then you gave pitiful excuses on why you strayed,
To your soul and your family you have betrayed
Soon your acts and your deeds will be known and portrayed.
You are such a very awful toxic person
You're always lying and smoking and cursin',
Everyone will know you by your true poisonous version
Soon all will find out and you'll continue to worsen.
You don't care for no one but only you
And you always seek pity and support with a, "boohoo",
To treat people good you have not a clue
You are a very bad and manipulative person which is all true.
Someday soon you will want to have a spouse
Then you will want to share with them your love and a house,
But, in the end you will most likely treat them like a louse
And their dreams and joy and happiness you will douse.
You believe that you deserve someone truthful and caring
Onto that type of person you want to be paring,
While you lie and cheat and use others and your constant swearing
You are just a red herring
Around truth and faithfulness you will always maneuver
Your lies and your acts will finally get on everyone's last nerve,
In the end when our Lord God does observe
You will then truly receive what you truly deserve.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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