What's Love Poem by Harini Sasi

What's Love

am i over you?
it's getting trickier to understand as time goes now
sometimes you lift your pen up but hear no sound
you write letters until you remember, what's love?

distant symphonies
i hear you hum but i'm in another world
soon enough, it would tear me apart dull
you know when you know it, she's had her fun

to think you're the one
and to move on in someone else's shade
smile at the reflection but am i okay?
in this little lingering laundry bag life

and time
it's taking its sweet time erasing you
echoes of your footsteps and murmurs of blue
long it took for you to believe i'm with someone new

it's like antidote
these tears and smiles and all the times
it changes easily from noon to midnight sky
as it was just fast when you were mine

what's love?
unless you're bitter enough to doubt every option
or shut yourself into your little sweet suffocation
and base your faith in pious assumptions

if it isn't love?

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