When A Mother Is An Offender Poem by Chan Mongol

When A Mother Is An Offender

When a mother is an offender
November 4,2018

Politicians never taught us to give up selfish nature!
Never taught to be with weaker beasts as kinder and fair! !

Those who are not humans are neglected by us!
Why not value them of having life in different figures?

We are superiors as, we are sunk in the false doctrine!
Temptations for sex, forbidden foods, paper monies, sin! !

I will teach her the real love to respect beings around her!
Never a poppy dog for her by separating from its mother! !

I will bring her to the plant of flowers, not flowers to her:
I will not cut the flower from own mother for her pleasure! !

To be or not to be good depends on the precious mother!
It is important to protect a woman who is a mother in her! !

Men need to work hard not to anger the mother nature!
Superior becomes inferior when a mother is an offender! !

Monday, November 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: attitude,change,cruelty,nature love,women
Rajnish Manga 05 November 2018

Excellent poem rhymed sweetly which is devoted to exploring the 'mother' factor in all living beings. This is what sustains goodness in the world.

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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