When The Heart Cries Witnessing Horror Poem by Terence George Craddock

When The Heart Cries Witnessing Horror

crime cruelty
current enduring
child exploitation
child dice labour

in this world of shame
in this world of horror
there are still places
where little children
day long carry heavy slabs
of rocks above their heads

there are places
where small children
carry heavy automatic rifles
mind physically enslaved
fight as child soldiers
die as child soldiers

forced to kill as child soldiers

many are images
of small children
carrying heavy sacks
of dirt from mines
digging in mines
working in holes

in the ground mines

many are images
of skinny small children
carrying heavy bricks
making building bricks
industrial workers
in open air sun baked

third world brick factories

many are images
of skinny small girls
labouring on machines
noise sowing machines
in sweat shop factories
working long cruel days

none of these children
receive an education
worker expendable children
stolen childhood children

speaks volumes
about political worthlessness
of the UN which lacks
vitality will energy voices
to stop horror child crimes
fails to stop abuse child crimes

why does the UN make no progress?
why not stopping these abuse crimes?
is it because child labour earns profits?
is it because UN budget is spent on wars?
always next new wars get UN budgets?

no focused voice for little children
dying horrific deaths from starvation
disease killed mutilated in war zones

forced to be killer child soldiers
to work in inhuman conditions
to work in sweatshop factories

sold into modern slavery
sold sexually exploited
no education no opportunities

but an elitist one
who choose not
to go to school

luxury home educated
sails to the United Nations
on a beautiful private yacht

claims to be Greta one
who has a stolen childhood
claims to be the victim

of a stolen childhood
who are the real victims
victims in child abuse

victims of real stolen childhood

fake news is still alive well in media
fake news is still alive well at the UN
fake news guards wealth power agendas

the real victims of stolen childhoods
did not get a voice at United Nations
not even one got to the United Nations

there are children in the world born lucky
members of the famous Vienna Boys Choir
were selected by audition to talent choose

enter official boarding school begin preparatory
classes at age eight boys will sing with choir
until voice breaks musical training life breaks

Vienna Boys Choir sings like angels in eternal beauty

children are born with privilege talent luck or not
silver spoon plastic spoon no spoon eat with fingers
dirty if lucky not dying starving in famine countries

What is sacred recorded in Matthew 19: 14
of the King James Version of the Bible

Jesus said, ''Suffer little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto me: for of such is
the kingdom of heaven'' but what does this

mean? Jesus was addressing instructing his
disciples correcting them for rebuking
people who brought little children to him.

What did Jesus do for the little children?
Jesus laid hands upon them and blessed them
the invitation was let the children come

the invitation was let the little children be blessed
the meaning is precious little children were still
innocent pure we should love protect care for them

Jesus never said let little children
suffer starve die of starvation
only heaven offers paradise salvation

on earth even ''Jesus wept'' John 11: 35
Jesus displayed his human nature wept
in miracles blessings proved his love

his great passion for people Jesus came to save
Jesus grieved experienced sorrow and felt the weight
of loss suffering to offer love eternal salvation

in this world there is always crime suffering exploitation
greed evil ever justifies its own causes but a time comes
when those who choose beauty love receive their salvation

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Split image from the poem 'Can Real Victims Of Child Poverty: Please Stand Up? ', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Original version of the split images 'Stolen Childhoods: Heavy Slave Labour', 'Stolen Childhoods: Sweat Shop Factories', 'Stolen Childhoods: Child Soldiers', 'Why A UN Silence On Stolen Childhoods? ', 'Next New Wars Get UN Budgets? ', 'A Chosen Self Professed: Stolen Childhood Prophetess? ', 'Vienna Boys Choir Sings In Angelic Beauty', 'There Are Children In This World Born Lucky' and 'We Should Love Protect All Children', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in September 2019 & September 2023 on the 28.9.2019&28.9.2023.
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