Where Has The Time Gone By Poem by Audrey Heller

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Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida

Where Has The Time Gone By

Here it is, Labor Day and soon
the rest of the holiday's, will be
on their way! When you think
about it, you can't help wonder,
where has all the time gone by?
It seemed like only yesterday,
we were in July! It's running away,
faster than you can shake a stick,
as your life flies by, so awfully quick!
It's kind of scary, especially, when
you're getting on in years. It's time
now, to grab on to every moment
and leave behind, the hardship and
the tears! Now, we have to focus on
everyday and relish, in the things we
achieved up till, this point in time.
There's no going back, we have to
look ahead and if we do, everything,
will turn out, just fine! Live for today
and not, tomorrow, for today, is what
really does count. Tomorrow, has a
way, of taking care of itself, so we'll
not let our troubles, or let our fears,
mount! Just enjoy everyday, as it's
given to you and there is no doubt,
you'll get through it, too!

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida
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