Who Says That The Photograph Was Lifeless? Poem by Nikhil Parekh

Who Says That The Photograph Was Lifeless?

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; unlimitedly ignited passion when we rolled on profusely rain soaked grass; as marvelously as its peerlessly infallible contours,

Nonone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; unconquerably divinely embrace under the optimistically rising Sun; as majestically as its flawlessly twinkling contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; unassailably ardent emotion as we uninhibitedly divulged the innermost arenas of our heart; as aristocratically as its victoriously unimpeachable contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; fervently tracing each pore of our skins like the greatest of artists; as its triumphantly benign contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; endlessly humming an infinite unabashed tunes of freshly found happiness; as its poignantly enthralling contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; insuperably glorious unity; when we clung to each other like never before in the profoundly tangy waves of the undulating ocean; as its inimitably undefeated contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; eternally unfettered playfulness when we poked each other in the ribs with our bohemian toe; as its regally unshakable contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; insatiably magnetic arousal; when every conceivable hair on our skin stood up till the ultimate peak of Everest; as its peerlessly innocuous contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; unwontedly exhilarating nakedness; when we tantalizingly chased each other in the rapturously moonless night; as its gregariously unbiased contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; everlastingly voluptuous intimacy; when the most luscious tinge of our lips blended with the fabric of the entire Universe; as its earnestly sparkling contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; bewitchingly unparalleled ecstasy; when we fearlessly intermingled each of our breaths in the broadest of daylight; as its affably immaculate contours,
Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; innocently unconquerable passion; when we timelessly stared into the inscrutable whites of our eyes; as its marvelously endowed contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; intrepidly emancipating adventure; when we tirelessly explored every seductively enrapturing pathway of mother nature; as its amiably mesmerizing contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; pricelessly humanitarian bonding; when we forever and ardently coalesced each finger of our palms irrespective of caste/creed/color or tribe; as its splendidly replenishing contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; triumphantly unceasing exultation; when we'd eaten the first meal of our life together in the same altruistic leaf; as its handsomely befitting contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; extraordinarily reverberating sensuousness; when we traced even the most inconspicuous bone of our shivering spines with our tongues; as its iridescently blessed contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; symbiotically redolent proliferation; when we held our new born baby daughter in our delightedly effervescent palms; as its adroitly chiseled contours,

Noone on earth had so perpetually captured that moment of our; immortally blessed love; when we'd first met and proposed in the Omnisciently unshakable realms of the mosque; as its regally harmonious contours,

And can you believe it! Even after doing so much for us; portraying our love so perpetually and in an infinite of its magical forms; to a boundless more of our future generations; the world still stupidly said; that the photograph was spinelessly emotionless and "Lifeless".

Monday, March 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,photograph
Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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