Why Does This Candle Flicker? Poem by John Richard Anderson

Why Does This Candle Flicker?

I light a candle for I love its soft light
But it flickers despite no breeze in night
I like the flicker, but I want it to be happy
To be steady, contented, a friend true and sure.

Is it puffs of wind that disturb it so?
I feel no draft of breeze on go
Perhaps its warmth creates its own updraught
Perhaps it knows more than I about air care.

Is there a spirit congealed within the wax?
That I bring to life with enlighted match
If so then I welcome this spirit stuff strut
But Please! Stop waving at me incandescently.

Is there some imperfection in the candle?
Have I urged in buying too cheaply, got junk
Next time I'll buy better, I promise.
So Please! Stop the flicker, forgive me!

When I stare at the candle intensely
Does it flicker more or less
Is it better this way or that?
Forget the flicker, move it away a tad.

There now, the flicker is beyond peripheral
It is still there ticking away its flicks
But flicker and I have compromised
A concensus to be unconsciously enlightened.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: light,reflection
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