Why Don'T Poem by Francis Duggan

Why Don'T

Why don't John Howard and his Cabinet Ministers who from Australia stand most for to gain
Go to Iraq to do some soldiering and whilst there experience some of the pain
That Iraqi people are going through because of them due to their love of George W Bush
If your ally is the aggressor does that mean to help him you rush?

Why don't George W Bush and his advisors and Government head off for the streets of Baghdad
And see at first hand the suffering of Iraqis where living conditions are far worse than bad
For years they suffered under dictator Saddam now of terrorism they live in fear
From Iraq so few happy stories from there of terrorism we mostly hear.

Why don't Tony Blair and his Government go to Iraq and support the British troops they sent there
And live in the bomb damaged cities the results of Bush's shock and awe from the air
And meet the families of the war victims and their sorrow in words to them express
For causing them such grief and suffering and for leaving their Towns in a mess.

Napoleon led his army in battle as did the Celtic king Brian Boru
They may have been war mongering fellows but credit where credit is due
Their wars they did not leave to others they fought with their men side by side
Napoleon surrendered on the field of battle and Boru on the battlefield died

Why don't Bush, Howard and Blair and their Governments go to Iraq and show us all how brave they are
They expect others to risk their lives for them in war zones whilst it was they who started the war,
They talk of freedom for the Iraqi people but from Iraq only bad news we hear
They introduced terrorists to their Country and of terrorism Iraqis live in fear.

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