Why I Cheated Poem by Randy McClave

Why I Cheated

She asked me why that I cheated
And why her I didn't prefer,
She asked me that while I was standing and not seated
And why couldn't I be with just her.

She then asked me what was her name
And what was she like really,
And also what is my ultimate game
And how do I feel about her ideally.
Is she prettier than me or skinnier than me
'In common', 'I said you both have a lot',
Is she younger than me or thinner than me
'No', 'I said she is not'.
I said, 'though she is much softer than you'
She is also much quieter than you are as well,
And she is nicer and kinder than you
And she doesn't call me an idiot and make me feel like hell.
She doesn't yell at me and tell me to shut up
And she listens to me and she is always nice,
She never makes me feel like a needy pup
Never, do I ever think that I need to apologize twice.
With her there is never any pain or guile
She constantly shows me a caring tenderness,
And she always makes me laugh and or smile
And never does she say, 'I stopped her happiness.'

That is why you I deceived
And the reasons that I prefer her over you,
Now I am happy and very relieved
I just enjoy being happy and being treated good which is true.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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