William Street Poem by Kenneth Slessor

William Street

Rating: 3.5

The red globe of light, the liquor green,
the pulsing arrows and the running fire
spilt on the stones, go deeper than a stream;
You find this ugly, I find it lovely

Ghosts' trousers, like the dangle of hung men,
in pawn-shop windows, bumping knee by knee,
but none inside to suffer or condemn;
You find this ugly, I find it lovely.

Smells rich and rasping, smoke and fat and fish
and puffs of paraffin that crimp the nose,
of grease that blesses onions with a hiss;
You find it ugly, I find it lovely.

The dips and molls, with flip and shiny gaze
(death at their elbows, hunger at their heels)
Ranging the pavements of their pasturage;
You Find this ugly, I find it lovely .

Mohammad Atahi 18 August 2006

My advice and i needed this poem's Description.i want a description of this poem. i want you to describe this poem and send it for me i would like read what does it mean? I hope you will not reject my comment and my hoping.i hope u will do it ASAP.i want send this poem to my freind with description. thanks to much i hope u will send me as soon as posible. wish u all the best.

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slime man 21 June 2018

it is about slime

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wah, wah wahwah 03 March 2020

I can confirm its about slime.

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dasd 03 August 2022


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Not Halal 23 November 2021

This is not halal poem: (

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kenneth slessor 21 January 2021

so nobody is going to analyze this poem for me pls i have an essay due soon

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Spine wall 17 January 2021

Are wah, wah wahwah and Tim Nate about to kiss?

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wah, wah wahwah 03 March 2020

God tier poem ngl, its honestly kinda nutty.

1 3 Reply
Tim Nate 12 March 2020

this man is obviously fricking disabled as you can tell by the way he ducking stutters when he writes his own name. He also liked this poem so he must be either a dip or a moll

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Kenneth Slessor

Kenneth Slessor

Orange, New South Wales
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