Wings Of Freedom Poem by Vadakkumpurath Ramesan

Wings Of Freedom

The bird knocked with her beak,
The bird broke the bars of the cage,
She freed herself and declared by her scream,
That reverberated the horizons,
That awakened the stars from its slumber,
That brought the full moon from the cloud veil!
The bird chirped and gazed at the tree,
In search of a flower that imbibe honey,
The bird flew to the wilderness,
To search and seek the grape-vines,
The bird pine for here and there,
To focus a berry or a peanut.
The bird cried in agony,
As the freedom never gave her fruit,
But an emptied nest of the ants,
And she opened her beak with a loud call,
That returned no scream from her mate!
The bird fluttered like a kite,
And glided over the moving clouds,
The bird felt hot as the burning sun,
Ascended to the horizon to do his round.
The bird lost her way to the old abode,
The bird entered the doors of another cage,
That left by another bird went elsewhere!
The bird brood over the safety,
The bird felt the fear-free cage,
That hide the eyes of the hunter!
The bird scream in joy of her new abode,
Away from nets, arrows and traps.
The bird slept as none fed,
The bird cried in thirst,
The bird cried loud in hunger,
Her voice went unheard,
None turned with water or fruit,
The bird wailed and moaned,
Till the soul slipped through her beaks!
The bird found her soul free
From the earthly bonds and bounds!

Vinod Kumar 18 July 2009

total freedom, Right and important now a days, better for surviving is the nest is sufficient? thanks,10

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