Wisdom's Boundless Sea Poem by Vinaya Joseph

Wisdom's Boundless Sea

In the realm of wisdom's boundless sea,
Age is but a whisper, faint decree.
For in the heart's eager, endless quest,
Education finds its eternal rest.

No calendar marks when knowledge begins,
No clock ticks the moment learning thins.
In every soul, a dormant flame,
A yearning for enlightenment's claim.

From cradle's edge to twilight's glow,
The mind, a vessel, thirsts to know.
With each passing year, a chance to learn,
To grasp new truths, to discern.

In youth's exuberance, seeds take root,
In elder years, they bear their fruit.
For wisdom's harvest knows no age,
It's written on life's timeless page.

So let not time dictate the mind's delight,
In learning's dance, there's no twilight.
For education's embrace, ever sure,
Welcomes all who dare to explore.

In classrooms grand or streets unnamed,
In books revered or stories untamed,
The call of knowledge knows no bound,
In every heart, its echo found.

Thus, let us cherish this truth divine,
That education's flame will ever shine.
In the young, in the old, in every station,
There's no age for the joy of education.

Vinaya Joseph

Vinaya Joseph

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
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