Wishes On Your Birth Day Poem by Bishnupada Sethi

Wishes On Your Birth Day

Oh kid!
Outside there is a tempest,
Wind is blowing at speed, it’s fullest,
Bowing down are the trees, the strongest,
All around, only prevails darkness.

The sea is in deep turmoil,
The fiery fisherman on his recoil,
The people in the coastal lanes,
Are retreating to the hinter lines.

Thunderous knives and sparkling swords
Are moving in glittering dazzles,
Drenched in hatred are the people in masks,
Chop the heads to loot last breads.

You are safe for not knowing them all,
Freed from the fear and agonizing trails,
Perhaps, it would have been better for us,
If we had not grown up to assess,
The situation around to be so tense
And we would not have been half dead
Before the real threat comes to the ground.

I envy the life you enjoy,
Still I pray for you on this day.
You enjoy like this for years to come
Carrying with you this innocence so pure,
Braving a smile in moment the hardest,
You make yourself and others feel safe
And I know you’ll bring a day
When, people shall not fear any pain.

Bishnupada Sethi

Bishnupada Sethi

Balasore, Orissa, India
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