Wishful Thinking Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

Wishful Thinking

Calling my name the blade touches my skin
Pulling threw fog as the sorrow begins
You locked me away and knew how I feel
The only one to grasp my heart and to be healed
I love the way you clasp my head in your hands
The way your skin feels as ruff as the sand
You kiss like poison that stings my poor heart
every few moments it tears me apart
You loved my frame and the way it called yours
My heart ached with bliss as you walked threw the door
Don't leave me here to fall with my pain
I never was the one to complain
The knifes now kissing around my wrist
I push down in anger and break open my fist
was it to much to ask for you to be with me
was i to blind to even feel what I see
I knew this was wrong when you spoke to my soul
the words made me crave and you made me feel whole
and emotion I’d lacked for so long I could cry
but now I’m in pain from your sad good-bye
I'll turn from you know and whisper once more
I wish you had stayed and locked up that door
I could have been yours and I’d love you till death
I'd give my heart to you and let love flow with in my breath

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