With In My Broken Heart Poem by Melissia Ann Senter

With In My Broken Heart

Within the anger of my broken heart
you ask me if I love you and I have no answer.
I have tried to love you again but I can't
because within the anger of my broken heart,
she still sits there in the background, laughing at me
'Ha ha, look what we have done.

We have torn your world apart
and you have no clue how to fix it back.'
Time and time again I have asked myself,
'Why not give it another try? '
But when I look for that answer,
there she is, sitting on your shoulder,
snickering and laughing.

How in the world could they do this to my family, my kids?
Why didn't he care enough to say no?
Didn't me and the kids matter to him at all
or were we just in his way?
I chose to stay here to finish raising our kids.
I made it clear I wanted nothing more to do with you.
All we had between us were our kids.

It has been three years since I found about you and her
and I still can't find the answers that you need.
I can't tell you I love you anymore
because when I found that you had slept with her,
my love for you died.
Within the anger of my broken heart,
I just want to die.

Not only have you hurt me,
but I hurt my kids when I chose to stay.
Your touch is like a bee sting only ten times worse.
You ask me for a hug and I just shrug you off
because I can't stand there and hug you like everything is ok.
The truth is, in reality, I may never be the same again.

You used to be the man in my life
that I could always count on not to betray me or our love
but now I know we were never meant to be
because you decided you wanted another
and my heart aches more than you will know.

Now, as I am searching my soul for the answers
within the anger of my broken heart,
all I can see is the pain of my broken soul,
and how much I wish this was all a dream.
But the reality within my broken heart
is that it is all so true and hurtful.


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