With My Little Eyes..... Poem by penfriend 4you

With My Little Eyes.....

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see myself within four walls
They say here you live it’s your home
Here you are born and here you shall die
I searched the whole home
I could only find my body
My soul was somewhere else
I feel its dawn to my living
And life has said good bye

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see a small light entering my room
They say it’s your window to the world
Here you shall laugh and here you shall scream
I looked everywhere through it
I could only find her corpse
She was somewhere else
I feel she is beyond my world
And comes only in my dreams

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see a sun rinsed garden next to door
They say it’s your place of work
Here you shall feed and here you shall toil
I spaded the whole land
I could only find rocks below
Greens and golds were somewhere else
I feel the land is full of riches
And I reach only the soil

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see a white angel hovering around me
They say it’s your goddess of destiny
Here she may make you rule and here shall you beg
I prayed life to my goddess
I could only find darkness
Paradise was somewhere else
I feel she needs a god to gift heaven
And I choose to be poor sage

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see a beautiful distant hill
They say that’s your destination
Here you shall climb and here is ultimate height
I jumped onto the top of it
I could only reach the deepness
Altitude was somewhere else
I feel the peak is the footprint
And I need attitude for a path, so right

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see a ball of fire in eastern horizon
They say it’s the source of world, he is sun
Here he breathes you life and here you shall burn
I became a cloud in his way
I could only feel chill
Warmth was somewhere else
I feel he is bound by ordinance
And I am in my dawn

With my little eyes
I explore the world around me
I see a large stone worshipped
They say he is the creator, he is god
There from you have come there shall you be taken
I ran blindly to his palace
I could only get life there
Death was somewhere else
I feel I like this mortal land
And I was gifted heaven

And I see all that
With my little eyes

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