With The Reason Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

With The Reason

Life teaches us lessons
It remains teacher for various reasons
Sometimes you are sinned
And fail to shine

Despite your being innocent
You are sent
To the grace
And odd is phased

The rain showers
But no flowers
The fragrance disappears
And only pain remains

It is life and has to be lived
Our eyes must believe
And accept the fact
Without attempting to react

Put faith
But not remain blind about death
If you have really loved someone
Carry it forever even if that has not proved true one

The deception shall take place
And you will face
Rough weather
With no reasons to offer


welcome..................Scott Ransopher, 모나리 and Manish Doshi like this. Unlike · Reply · 1 · Just now

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All truth herein woven with such skilfull pen. I admire your choice of words, so wonderful to read. Thank you for sharing this deep poetry, and thank you for the lessons I have learned here, Hasmukh Sir. 5 hours ago by Sylvia Frances Chan to With the reason

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Life teaches us lessons It remains teacher for various reasons

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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