Without Any Rain Poem by Audrey Heller

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida

Without Any Rain

It's been quite sometime, since we've
had any rain, it may sound silly, but we
have reason, to complain. With all that's
going around these days, we should feel,
safe and sound. But without any rain, there's
a lot, of parched ground! It's drying up,
wherever you look, which makes it hard, for
anything to grow. There's not any flowers in
bloom, which makes it sad, this much I know.
I only hope when the rain appears, it shouldn't
be, of the worst kind. Since we're going into
hurrican season, so much, has been on my
mind! I pray, by now, Mother Nature has
knocked herself out and has no more energy
left to give. Let her be merciful and give us,
what is only necessary, to give! I just want to
see, the lawns lush and green and the buds
peeking up, from below. I want to see everything
blooming and feel, the balmy breezes blow! To
me, that's the beauty of this time of the year and
I hope, it stays on a moderate course. Let's hope
it works out in our favor and we won't have to look
back, with any remorse!

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida
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