Witness Poem by Alisha Sharma


Rating: 4.5

There is hustle and bustle in the streets;
A person is killing another person,
Just because of having a different heart;
Borders are marked,
Some belong to this side and some to that,
You have no right to live without our having a spat;
Children, the asset of a society,
For you can't easily change a grown man,
And so children are the ones who can be made mighty,
Mighty to change the world for better,
But poor ones are dying because of some negligence matter;
Then you look at the people in disguise,
who cause the ignorance to run people's lives;
Cannot we all just sit together and solve,
The matters of importance above all,
And if not then cannot we stop harming each other once and for all?
Battle of ideologies,
Battle for justice,
Battle for peace, should it really then be called a battle indeed?
Why can't we just see the light at end of the tunnel?
And stop flowing with the hatred runnel.

Thursday, September 7, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: question,society
In today's world, each country and its people are facing a dilemma.There are fights, people are forgetting to live in unity, borders are marked. Self interest of the countries is given too much importance. Voices are silenced by violence. There are good things amidst above mentioned things but we do need to ask ourselves, are we creating a world of fight? Can't we talk out and find a solution and if not then can we stop harming. We need ourselves to ask this question and the task begins from you, your home, your society, your state, your country and then to the world.
Hans Raj Sharma 12 November 2017

Lovely lines good work in fact.

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Jazib Kamalvi 10 September 2017

A nice poetic imagination, Alisha. You may like to read my poem, Love and Lust. Thanks

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Astha Tiwari 07 September 2017

It's really wonderful poem, it's explain the reality.

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Mario, Lucien, Rene Odekerken 07 September 2017

Beautiful poem Alisha thank you for sharing Mario Odekerken

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Alisha Sharma 07 September 2017

Welcome, keep reading :)

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