Women Of Color Poem by Hebert Logerie

Women Of Color

These three words immensely tick me off:
"Women of color" sounds frightfully pejorative.
I get very angry, hot, offended and combative,
When I hear these god-awful words that bluff
And marginalize our beautiful and proud women
Of action, dedication, fairness, wit and elegance.
These intellectual and broad-shouldered women
Deserve our love, respect, recognition and reverence.

I hate and abhor this bumptious term "women of color"
With burning passion. Because I love my eloquent sisters
Assiduously. I respect and revere them. I want to honor
These wonderful queens by offering them exquisite flowers,
Golden crowns studded with diamonds, sapphires and rubies.
I'm not at all a happy camper when I hear these tertian words.
Our women of light and dark shades were christened by the breeze
Of an eternal spring; they're as precious as the proud songbirds.

Women are our mothers, sisters, aunts, wives and friends.
Without these ladies, life would be monotonous and tasteless.
Women are the beacons of our world and the helping hands,
Which carry men from the womb to the tomb that accepts no less.

P.S. This poem is dedicated to all women who are united regardless of their color.

Copyright © March 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Sunday, March 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: womanhood,women,women empowerment
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