Wonder In The Nature Poem by Chan Mongol

Wonder In The Nature

September 10,2015

Wonder in the nature and dwelling side by side!
With the best communication and own guide!
Weaker dies for those stronger guys!
Some rules of the nature are very dangerous! !

Everybody knows about the day and the night!
When to get up and how to sleep tight!
Except us, no need school, no need extra education!
Except us, all got advanced knowledge of communication! !

Their world, they know well and adjust easy!
To know and maintain ours, we are very lousy!
But in basics of the life we do resemble!
To love, eat, drink, hear, feel and to smell! !

Different creatures with dissimilar expressions!
For pleasure, grievance, in many other actions!
For floating, flying, crawling, walking, seeing!
Inbuilt physiques made those others astonishing being! !

Amazing are all creatures of the nature!
How wonder that one knows and reads good another!
They look, they identify and scan others good!
Either to accept someone as an enemy or as a dude! !

Wonder in the nature and dwelling side by side!
With the best communication and with own guide!
Weaker dies for those stronger guys!
Some rules of the nature are very dangerous! !

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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