Words Or Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Words Or

Words or
Sunday,3rd November 2019

Be frank enough
with crystal heart to laugh
not at others but on self
that shall bring out many things from the shelf

it is a priceless possession
with so much compassion
that can be read in eyes
without any forced try

words or ornaments are not needed
or any advice to be heeded
it is an internal awakening
that adds shining

humanity itself is living art
and remains an inseparable part
for all of us to accommodate
and remain in the subject

life may turn cruel
and not speak well
but we are here to smell with fragrance
and take every possible chance

life may come to a standstill
but not the strong will
the spirit shall never be killed
but always lead mankind

Hasmukh Mehta

Words Or
Tulsi Shrestha 10 November 2019

Self -realization through the process of sef-actualization. Your creations are always fascinating and inspirational for readers like me.No words justify themselves fit enough to appreciate the genuine creativity resided inside you.

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Tulsi Shrestha 04 November 2019

A Lyrical poem intended to convey the message of humanity through the process of self -actualisation and inner awaking.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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