Wouldn'T We Give It All Up For Love? Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

Wouldn'T We Give It All Up For Love?

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Wouldn't we give it all up for love?
This war and our jobs?
Everything that we know and are comfortable with,
wouldn't it all just seem second best?
Your lips and this kiss I'd rather have.
I'd give up my heart just for one more.
I'd give up ever thinking about politics or war.
I would rather have you instead.
If I couldn't, I'd rather be dead.
You can take my possessions
and everything I've ever done.
I just want one kiss to see if you're the one.
Yes, I'd give it all up for love.
Just to feel the fire burning in my soul,
I'd take a thousand lashes set upon my flesh.
I'd keep them open and live through the pain,
because it's for love and I won't refrain.
I'd walk through forests of rain
and fight off bears just so I can claim,
'This heart, this body is all for you.
Choose to take it or do what want to do.
Leave it behind, but know that it is all for you.'
Wouldn't you give it all up for love?
Why not you ignorant coward?
You must not know how it tastes
and I sympathize for this lack,
but do not simmer in this ignorance
until you yourself understand the meaning.
Maybe then you too would give it all up for love,
so you can ask others,
'Wouldn't we give it all up for love? '

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