Wreched Life Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Wreched Life

All was at her grab,
But she opted out of the trap,
And chose to live at soul’s dictates –
Forlorn, wretched and wrecked life
In a far god-forsaken land,
Alone, and extinguish soul’s light,
And open her to inner violence.

She had no choice
In the scene she was caught –
Her gentle soul bade sacrifice,
And willingly she deigned to it,
And forsake her life for its sake;
But violence around punctured soul
In pursuit to force her against will
To choose crumbs she never would;
Finding no course open to her,
She quit the home altogether,
Discarded life, security, future,
And chose a wrecked life for self.

She loved him dearly,
But his life and peace more than that,
And refused turmoil by her presence;
Living his memory, her only goal –
She stood like wall, withstood gales
From uprooting from the solemn goal;
Tricksters while caught her unaware,
She found for her no way to get out;
It was darkness at the tunnel’s end,
And she broke out from the dark tunnel,
To live and suffer a wretched life.

She yielded there to most unkind grind
And bore the wrench of her ideals crash;
She threw herself to the vagaries of wind
And treaded life like a piece of trash
In alien land distant from soul;
No mates to bespeak or empathise,
No soul to stand while in distress,
A hand to mouth bare life it was;
But none of it disturbed her
While losing goal, her driving force,
And degenerates self to total chaos.

She bore the crunch,
‘Cause no alternate she had,
And lived in darkness
Of past, present and endless future
For survival’s sake,
Dragging her along uncertain path.

She knew, she lost her life’s course
‘Neath the weight of criminal force,
That weighed her down to hell’s choice
And shattered soul’s core and peace.

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