Write Me A Poem: Poem by Liza Sud

Write Me A Poem:

Write a poem to me: a small one and round,
So that it was stable, as the Sun of gods,
so that it would kiss like a baby, so chubby,
and Light cleared through slot of words between the lines.

So that in each gap it was difficult to pierce,
so that on my call you gave answer outright,
But this very wish is equivalent to sinful.
No poems from you. And around me - the Light.


Напиши мне стишок: такой маленький кругленький.
Чтобы он был стабильный, как солнце богов,
чтобы он целовал, как ребеночек пухленький,
чтобы свет очищал в прорезь слов между строк.

чтобы в каждую щель было трудно проникнуть,
чтоб на каждый мой зов ты давала ответ,
только это желанье греху равносильно.
Нет стихов от тебя. И вокруг меня - Свет.

Monday, April 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,poem
Daniel Brick 04 April 2016

Te first stanza is a sweet sentiment about our on-going exchange of poem I ave been looking fo a small poem to send you but my inspiration seems staled. Te story howeer grows larger every day! In te 2nd stanza you say your wisH for a poem by me is SINFUL. Dear Liza, why is that sinful? ? Tat is a painful thought and I don't want you in pain. But the last phrase is a about LIGHT so I know you also feel joy. Why do you feel both guilt and joy? You deserve only JOY!

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