Year One Poem by Mary Rodriguez

Year One

Rating: 4.0

I reflect on a year that's given me so much to be thankfuul for
It's been the best year of my life, I couldn't ask for more
God has given me his perfect angel to share my life with
You've such a huge heart, you always find ways to give
My eyes have been opened to a love so pure, so deep, so real
It's reached me to depths, I never knew I could feel
A happiness I've never experienced before
Every second with you, I want more and more
You're the best part of my everyday
I pray with you forever I'll be allowed to stay
I'd travel any distance, any time, any place
Just to see that gorgeous smile on your beautiful face
To lay next to you with your head upon my chest
These moments for me are the very best
To hold you close and feel your heart beating with mine
I wish right then we could stop all time
You are my love, my life, my everything
For you, I'd do anything
I remember our very first kiss
Everyone of them since still fills me with bliss
You're an amazing lover
For me, there'll be no other
I can't tell you enough times in a day
How much I love you and how much I want you to stay
You're so very important to me
With you, I'm as happy as can be
I continue to giving thanks for the one I hold most dear
It truly has been an amazing year
I pray you bless us with many more to come
I've found my life, I've found the one
Quiet your fears and know God has a plan for us in place
Trust and believe and accept it with grace
Peace in your heart is what I want for you
You're so deserving of all the love given to you

Saturday, February 21, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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