Yesterday ≠ Tomorrow Poem by George Krokos

George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Yesterday ≠ Tomorrow

All of our yesterdays will never equal all of our tomorrows
because the past has come and gone with all of its sorrows.
The future then holds in store whatever joys can be achieved,
if we find the key to unlock the door for them to be received.
The present is the time for one to take the necessary steps
in doing what one needs to do while keeping free of debts.

There's nothing that lasts forever we can be certain of this
except the divine spirit in our soul that is of heavenly bliss.
When the moment comes that one most expects in their life
Providence will so turn things around and remove the strife;
with which one may have been struggling for quite a long time
and it will seem like it has vanished without leaving any grime.

We should all therefore have some faith in good things to come
of which we have a cherished desire for and aren't troublesome.
All we need to do is to visualise in our mind the things we desire
as long as we don't get involved in those burning with hell's fire.
For those things we have a need of will most surely come our way
if we ask for them sincerely from That One Who creates each day.

Friday, February 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: future,hope,faith
George Krokos

George Krokos

Samos, Greece (Now lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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