Yet A Little While Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

Yet A Little While

Yet a little while,

And the time ofthe harvest will come!

Facing the romance of nature on earth;

Being able to see the light of the truth,

Along the line.

Soar, oar, boar!

To roar like a lion! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Because of the wickedness of mankind on earth.

Peace! !

A smile muse needed;


Even a mile away;

Able with the muse of the truth! !

Yet a little while will the time to the harvest come,

Able to identify the righteous people from the wicked ones.

Sleep not!

Able to rejoice in the works of the truth;

To bring peace to the world,

The earth is for you and i.

Fear not!

Stand upright;

Gain wisdom! !

With the muse of righteous laws!

Able to overcome the odds of life with,

The muse of righteous works.

Arise! ! ! !

Love the works of the truth,

Praise the truth always!

Peace and love,

Unity and strength,

Loving your neighbours like yourself;

Without hatred and war.

Wickedness! !

Like lambs to the slaughter!

Like rams with male goats;

Serving the ways of the Devil all around the world,

Bringing Sadness to the White Dove and the Olive Leaves of Peace.

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: earth,humanism,poetry,sadness,wrong vs. right
Edward Kofi Louis 09 January 2020

Wrong verses right! Ways of mankind on earth.

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Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Accra, GHANA
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