You Are A Fantastical Woman Poem by Liza Sud

You Are A Fantastical Woman

You are a fantastical woman
and in the summer blouse of yours
where flowers are tender blue-red
in the fielads you go for a walk.

You said to us: have no pity
and never talk to outcast,
there is no place for good deeds here,
it's for the working till sunrise.

I fell in love so completely
and on this gloomy summer day
a copulation I commited
in my dreams, and much stronger press

the gas of doleful contrition,
say farewell to worldly lust,
addressing God with my petition -
my earthly soul to clarify.

Вы - фантастическая женщина,
и в летней кофточке своей
с цветами красно-синей нежности
гуляете среди полей.

Вы нам сказали: отменяйте жалость,
с изгоями не говорить!
мы не добро творить собрались,
а чтоб работать до зари.

Я окончательно влюбилась,
и в этот хмурый летний день
с тобою я совокупилась
в мечтах своих, и жму сильней

на газ печального раскаянья,
прощаясь с похотью своей,
и адресую Господу воззвание
о чистоте души моей.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fantasy
Daniel Brick 05 August 2016

In 16 lines this poem covers a lot of experience - both sin and repentance. I am struck by the way turmoil comes to rest in the last stanza, purging the soul and restoring spiritual health. But the sensual appeal of this FANTASTICAL WOMAN is not denied, in fact, it's celebrated honestly until the alternative honesty of repentance takes charge of the speaker in the last four lines. SAYING FAREWELL to sensual desire is definitely the turning point of the poem, and this is the key to the soul's clarification of its proper values. There is a deep faith in forgiveness whch animates the closing passage.

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Unnikrishnan E S 03 August 2016

Hi Lisa, Nice poem. The image of gloomy summer day is contrasted by Summer blouse with tender blue-red flowers -. I find, sensuality in your new-found theme, always rendered beautifully.

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