You Are Not Alone By Gio Masserati Poem by Gio Masserati

You Are Not Alone By Gio Masserati

You Are Not Alone

Why is it that in our world today, right now, there are horrific tragedies going on all around the world, beyond my comprehension. Direct, and indirect, cause and effect, some consequences, but many tragedies fall on innocent lives. Some devastation brought on by natural disasters, as well as man-made chaos, greed, hate, wars, terrorism, neglect, religious persecution, misconstrued freedoms, oppression, depression, famine, lonliness, aloneness, deprivation, homelessness, death...the list goes on for many pages...I can not bare to see such darkness and sadness, even, if only, facing me by mere letters and words. Yet, somewhere, in all the darkness, there is a flickering glimmer of hope...'Hope'... a chance, a dream, a faith, a belief, a God, a rebirth, an unexpected answer, a window, a door, a light, a new day, a way of escape, a road, a friend, a lover, an innocent baby, a family, a kind word, a smile, a hug, a prayer, a comfort, a compassionate heart, an empathetic ear, a love song, an open heart, a common goal, a hand, a hand on your shoulder, a hand reaching down to pick you up, a hand holding yours, a lift, a Father who carries you, a ride, a gentle answer, an understanding, a knowing, a wisdom, a fire, a passion, a new beginning, an end to the pain, a way forward, a new direction, a fresh start, a light at the end of the tunnel, a soft whisper, a remembrance, a vigil, a warmth from the cold, a lesson learned, a triumph, a victory, a never looking back, a promise, a strength, a solidarity, a reverence, a belief in someone other than yourself, a voice that says, 'I Will Never Leave You or Forsake You! ' a world of people, just like you and me, that need connection, a desire to belong, a purpose for living, a need for love...'You Are Not Alone! ' We All Need Love! We all live in a world that needs to Love...We live in a world that Loves, a world that Includes...Our world can be All inclusive, loving, and connected. Our world is made up of you and me and 7.5 billion people on earth.....and You Matter!
You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone    By Gio Masserati
Friday, August 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: belongingness,christ,comforting,faith,father,god,hope,jesus,love,belief
You Are Not Alone!
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