Lonliness poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best lonliness poems ever written. Read all poems about lonliness.
My heart, my fellow traveler
It has been decreed again
That you and I be exiled,
go calling out in every street,
So many charming flowers loved me:
Some of them were Daisy, Lily, Jasmine and Rose
But I loved the one among them was Rose
''Rose- The Queen of flowers'',
Distant bells open my eyes
Bringing me back to where i am
My dream now lost in my mind
I'm awake as I'll ever be
The perfect silence
of your eyes
as I look into
your thoughts
Darkly wrapping ourselves in lonliness,
Withdrawing inside a wearisome heart
In no way prepares our life in readiness
To encounter the time when true love can start.
March month of 'many weathers' wildly comes
In hail and snow and rain and threatning hums
And floods: while often at his cottage door
[This is my Italian translation of a poem by Negar Gorji
see her page:
http: //www.poemhunter.com/poem/solitude-209/]
Come Back To Me! ! ! (written in 2003)
Ever since you have left me
I feel a sudden low in my destiny...
Their playing my tune, like flying me back home to my silvery moon,
Showing off with its white eerie glimmer,
I'm sitting on its very edge, highlighted by its vain shimmer,
Searching for fun waiting for the morning sun,
No breath of air to break the wave
That rolls below the Athenian's grave,
That tomb which, gleaming o'er the cliff
Large in frame and singing it's own windsong
Of lonliness, I see Destiny flowing,
And tinged blue. While billowing among
Shadows, strange whisperings start, below
Magic happens when were together,
Like wind and rain on our windowpane,
The sound of our sweet love,
Coming from the mystery of the skies above,
Compression of bodies pushing forward in the nightclub bar,
She is standing alone, just like another wallflower,
Wilting in the heat and dressed ever so neat,
With frizzy hair that can't be tamed,
A Fragment of a Turkish Tale
The tale which these disjointed fragments present, is founded upon circumstances now less common in the East than formerly; either because the ladies are more circumspect than in the 'olden time', or because the Christians have better fortune, or less enterprise. The story, when entire, contained the adventures of a female slave, who was thrown, in the Mussulman manner, into the sea for infidelity, and avenged by a young Venetian, her lover, at the time the Seven Islands were possessed by the Republic of Venice, and soon after the Arnauts were beaten back from the Morea, which they had ravaged for some time subsequent to the Russian invasion. The desertion of the Mainotes on being refused the plunder of Misitra, led to the abandonment of that enterprise, and to the desolation of the Morea,during which the cruelty exercised on all sides was unparalleled even in the annals of the faithful.
Nothing but a faraway
Breaking through my morning
Leaves ready to fall
...........................now redden and blush.
Demur in change,
.....................they know October's here.
Loneliness-Fourth year
Sunday,25th July 2021
It shall soon be the fourth year
He was a fallen star to a fairy-land,
Caged by the shadow of lonliness
Where he yelled for light in his mind
To break the veil of strangeness,
Feeling fine one day,
next day struck by illness,
feeling like you will never dance again,
when sweet health again returns,
No muses need apply.
There are no vacancies.
The muse pool is brimming
With metaphors:
For some lonliness is frightening
for others its peace of mind.
For me its all I got.
The hardest thing i've ever done was leave you on your own,
everyday i spent with you my love i'd always shown.
i regret ever leaving you, i wish that you were here,
Lonliness in hell where people soak in pain pretty sister stare with hopeless face the smie the environment reject wandering about in shame the kings and royalities sees
peace run in the msters with pain
From where do these thoughts come
Of alienation, lonliness and forlorn
Where do they reside
Like an owl at night
lonliness is the color of a cloudy sky
it tastes like plain bread
it feels like no ones your friend
and sounds like air rushing past you
Slowly I slip into madness,
My lonliness is all consuming.
Nothing can contain my sadness,
The faint cries I hear are soothing.
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