You Are You! Poem by Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi

You Are You!

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Since we have known to think,
The words are taught to speak,
Nothing has stopped this recreation,
To embed the image as the obligation,
Of the young, who are trained to plead,
Seek protection and the love,
Do we know how YOU look like?
Do we know what gender YOU are?
Anyone knows the secret,
That is kept in every nucleus,
Those replicate the same species,
Since the time formation,
The interval between two occurrences,
The beginning leads to the end,
Paths are different, destination unknown,
Do YOU look similar to our tall and fair siblings?
Are YOU having the complexion of the rainbow?
Visibly smooth, but have miniscule of drops,
Do YOU smell like the summer roses?
When the fragrance evaporates,
Trying to reach the noses to be admired,
The smell of the jasmines,
That blooms in the evenings,
The smell of the Orchids,
That delivers single and multiple stalks,
In the deepest parts of the tropical sheds,
The scent of the Lavenders and screw pines,
Are you odorless as some blooms?
That secretes honey effortlessly,
To attract the insects and bees,
Which organic compound matches?
YOUR wonderful fragrance yet to be known,
Or hidden somewhere in the hearts of human,
We haven't seen YOU yet, just waiting for the turn,
YOU are so magnificent, but are YOU a thief or a judge?
YOU are a good cook and know all vegetables,
Fond of producing YOUR own greens of salads,
The fries of fish plenty in the water, the tasty,
Honey in the hives, choicest meats of the brutes,
Dressing of white eggs with manmade oil,
I don't think that YOU have tried to spill,
Using the papyrus as the hand tissue,
Are YOU a single or the married?
Are YOU a vegetarian or a meat eater?
YOUR favorite food may be the salted fish,
That dried beside the ocean shores,
YOUR diet may contain all vitamins,
As the fruits are abundant wherever YOU rule,
Spring water may have the minerals in it,
When YOU visit the earth, you may travel,
With the waves, winds and rays….

YOU refers to someone whom we haven't seen! ! ! and we don't have any record that someone has even seen!
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