You Mean Nothing At All To Me Poem by Allysyn Bryant

You Mean Nothing At All To Me

On top of my house I sit and write this
Looking down upon the ground where we use to kiss.
You and Me. What a sight we made.
As different as two people could be, yet just the same.
We had it all you know....
Even dreamed of one day being married.
That's when you had all of me. I loved you.
You weren't. At least not with me.

You don't mean nothing at all to me
Might as well just set me free
No second thoughts. Too late. You lied to me.
Don't try to deny it. I already knew.
How'd I know? It was easy, you showed all the signs.

Wouldn't look me in the eyes
(When normally you always did)
The corner of your mouth twitched
(You were too self-conscious)
Wouldn't or couldn't stand Still
(Always strong as a bull, that was you)
Stopped returning my phone calls
(You always called back right away)

And the biggest clue
You stopped saying 'I love you'
You stopped kissing bye, before you took your leave.

So I broke up with you. And you let me walk away
Knowing damn well that I'd stop, all you had to do was say
Just say for me to stay, But you didn't. You just watched me leave.

And after seeing and talking to you today, Never thought it could be
You Don't Mean Nothing to Me.

October 26,2008

Dislocated Heart 28 October 2008

Wow.. Interesting write.. I can feel your emotions pour out into this.. Great Job!

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Billy Joe Collins 28 October 2008

lies can hurt well said thanks for sharing

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