You'Ve Been An Angel To Me Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

You'Ve Been An Angel To Me

I feel so in love in moments
But it's hard to sustain
I've had my heart broken once too often
I guess I realize I still carry the sadness
and pain

At times love is so beautiful
But it's truth I somehow mistrust
I wait for the shiny beauty to turn to rust
I brace myself for betrayal
I find it so hard to trust

I guess true love is all I ever wanted
The only dream I held that I still hold
The last hand I held that I can't bring myself to fold
I guess it's this too, I've given up on things
I'm growing old

Inside I know I'm relegated to being a lover and a friend
I know as we begin that it's more likely to end
At first my heart was so broken and it opened and began to mend
But I give it away to many, give it away at each bend
There are many I have love for

So how can I come to you free
How is it I'm so broken inside but you can't see
What is it you see when you look inside of me
I've got nothing to offer, no security
and no guarantee

But when you hold me so tenderly
You make me forget all that's been in vain
You sooth my soul and give me a break from the pain
And if you feel my heart when we touch
It's only because I love and need you much

You've only been an angel to me

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