Your Hand To, I Tremble Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Your Hand To, I Tremble

The way is the night of the land.
I have like you there where I have put it.
Separated removed from pain of another boring day.
My body, my pain
and my weakness it is deep there with in you.
With the mind where I like your hand to I tremble.

The center our my center shouts frequently.
Good Morning I have in order to welcome the sun which occurs.
Remainder and peace already have the fact that you avoid.
When being pleasant,
and the age of my companion who is passed is transferred.
And the scream of my cruel master paces again,
as the sun goes down is begun.
Did she buy me for useless in bunches her price?

There in the gorge by the water fall.

That this is done. You feel his hand.
Dare do it which is said unto you dare to do.
Approach of my noon.
And my eye,
my broken eye which I labored to obtain to a little.

And I am as broken as your child of the toy,
which is unlike broken.
As for this how much longer living… do you insist?
When As for me because it does not exist.
Therefore we would like to relive it.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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