Your Sin-Debt Poem by Gary James Smith

Your Sin-Debt

Rating: 3.5

Your Sin-Debt

Your sin-debt has been paid in full
Stamped in Jesus blood
His ownership of you your new beginning
A life now changed by God
And hallelujah glory be!
Grace begins its manifestations
Operating in love and forgiveness
Each day without cessation

For His wonderful unfailing love
How shall I ever forget
How He came and sought me out
Drawing me nearer yet
Until I could see...finally see
My great they were
All and only against You God
My standing with You poor

You documented every sin
Yet still provided grace
If I would just repent of them
And seek the Master's face
Now I see it more so clearly
My God how great Thou art
Amazing grace still provided
For every broken and contite heart

And though downtrodden we still look up
For we are held in Your hands
Nothing on earth can ever sever
The strength of those love cord bands
Your Spirit is the binding
The bonding glue of grace
In the deepest part of our spirit
Our faith filled walk You trace

You motivate us to prayer
In fellowship and in praise
Causing us to live rejoicingly
As we spend down here our days
If the world could only know
The cleansing power of the blood of the Lamb
They would attest to Your glory Lord
That You are...the Great I Am!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright May 120208: 03 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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