Your Smile! 😊 Poem by Tyler Cobb

Your Smile! 😊

Always show your smile whenever you can
No matter if you're a boy, girl, woman, or man.
Your smile shows everyone that you're full of joy,
No matter if you're a girl or boy, the smile you have shows everyone the person you are. And the kind of heart that you have;
The smile represents that you're kind and loving! It shows people that you're not a grump/ or an old shrew. Your the kind of person who will help brighten their day. Which many people need someone to come in there lives that way. Life simply has too much stress! Which leaves everything in a mess! Our world isn't in a good place right now. And we need to fix it, The question is how? What is it that needs. To be changed so things can get turned around. And let more people wear their frown upside down.
Whatever it is needs to be done rather quick. Because our world is becoming sick. So many people who're full of hate. They don't understand that's what is closing the gate, holding our world back from seeing heavens view. And that is something you simply do not want to do! For if you think your life is bad, Sad or even makes you mad. There will come a day when you pass away. And there are only two places that you can go 1. Is heaven, and the other. Trust me you don't want to know. So we need to bring love back into our world and people need to be able to find, The ability to treat each other kind. It's not hard to do if only you knew the difference it'll make in your every day life!
By having that love, will invite the lord from up above? Asking him to come into your heart. Telling him you want him to be a part; of your everyday, because you acknowledge that he is the only way, to living with peace, happiness, and in a calm place of mind.

This is something I wrote just because. Due to being disabled went out in public. Many people treat me really badly. They act like I don't matter, and will walk around me.
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