Tyler Cobb

Tyler Cobb Poems

I was running through life without a care, and then I flew through the air, I landed on my head, and the doctors had said that I should be dead, but then a miracle came despite a stroke and injury to my brain, I still have my life, even though the doctor had a knife that he had taken to my brain which Caused me less strain, but hey I'm still here just trying to steer clear, of any more problems in front of me, my future is hazy, I started back to school, nope I can't be a fool, I must graduate or else I will hate what I became that night while Acting so dumb. Now I must pass this goal, To make my life whole and begin again, with a smile on my chin. I thank my family for; sticking by me until the very end. So now I send all of my love to everyone above who has show me so much love, to help me back up on my feet so I can walk down the street and apologize to all of the lives, I have bothered along the way so I can once more and again say hey watch one day you wait and see I'll pay all of you back when there's something you lack I'll bring it to you with a smile, I just hope for you that's not for a while I'll take care of you until your wonderful again 'thank you my friend'!

There were two special people in my life who I loved more than all. And those two were named/ called Grandma and Grandpa, they were so kind and gentle, loving and so sweet! They were kind to everyone from family, to anyone who's in the street! They taught me what it means to have unconditional love and are now truly Angels watching me from up above. It's hard cause after my injury they were the ones who would lend an ear it's showing how much they love me they were always there. But it's so hard to accept that they're both gone. everything now seems to be wrong there's a hole in my heart that I can't seem to heal don't know if it can or if it ever will! I've lost some love that I can't seem to replace. Because it's hard to imagine that someone could ever amount to the grace.
For the two of them were like no other you'd ever meet. If you saw them you couldn't help but wave and hope to get to talk with them. For just a short while to take the load off your feet!
After having an interaction with them as you walked away you couldn't help but notice your smile.
And the joy in which you now had in your heart! Which would last for quite awhile!

As I sit and think today with a blank in my mind, I think of all the people who always were so kind. Because at times when I've sat and tears begin to flow, there have been many who I've turned to and have told me no! I'm not here to make you feel better, or help you not cry. But I will laugh at you, and make you feel like you should die, they'll point out every flaw and insecurity you've got, but tell you anything kind surely they will not!
They won't help you to or even notice the absence of your smile; but they'll notice every tear and count each one along every mile. As well as they'll remind you of them with criticism each day, and deny any responsibility that they're why you feel that way! But then occasionally there's one special person who will, step into your life and those tears will stand still! As they bring out the joy and laughter in each day, and for that one not to leave is what you constantly pray!
They lift you up, and turn your days around,
So you search and search for a way to thank them. And with this poem I hope I've found.

I know this man
Who is dear to my heart.
Suddenly one day
It was torn all torn apart.

grandma and grandpa yes I love you two! How much I really do is hard to imagine is true! You both filled me with endless love and joy! More than I could explain every- day since I was a young boy,
But then came thy trrribley depressing day,
When it was that the two of you had to go away. It's so sad for me because I've- lost you. But I know where you're now at, yes that's true. We all know you're up in heaven with the lord, enjoying every blessing that has been poured over you for you've earned that oh yes for the two of you have always been the best, and greatest human beings that there could be. You had treated every one with kindness and respectfully. Never gave anyone any kind of neglect you taught me what it means to truly love and care; no matter who or what the reason you're always there. So I'll live the rest of my life the best I can, everyday, and hope others will respect me in the same way! If I do I know I'll never need to worry! Because I'll always have someone who will willingly hurry, and rush to be able to happily lend me a hand, just like you, I'll have friends all over the land!
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Every time I hear your name a tear comes to my eye. I try so hard not to but sometimes I can't help but cry,
I miss you so much and really need you to be hear! Although I can not see you I do know that you're near standing right next to me and guiding my every step I know we'll always be together because in my heart is where you're kept. It's a memory I could never lose because my love for you is so strong. I'll always love and miss you, my entire life long! And then will come a day when it's my turn to say goodbye. And I myself will leave this earth and only the lord knows when or why. But when that time comes, and I finally do, I know as I stand at heavens gates I'll be greeted by you,

Many years ago something bad happened to me
Many years ago,  I had an injury
Many years ago my life got turned around. 
Many years ago when I crashed into the ground

As I stand and look in the mirror at me, and who is it that I see staring back at me?
Someone who's gone through troubles and tragedy of an overwhelming amount! Someone who has shed more tears than you could possibly count!
For life has beaten and taken a toll,
It has changed your every way and your heart in a whole! Who you used to be has Ben shattered to pieces, as people and their negative opinions never ceases,

I stand and look in the mirror at me, and who is it that I see staring back at me?
Someone who's gone through troubles and tragedy of an overwhelming amount! Someone who has shed more tears than you could possibly count!
For life has beaten and taken a toll,
It has changed your every way and your heart in a whole! Who you used to be has Ben shattered to pieces, as people and their negative opinions never ceases,

Why is life unfair, I can't get a chance
People hear about my injury, and won't take a second glance.
They won't hear me out and listen to what I have to say,
They don't want to hear about what it is I've gone through everyday.

People in our lives they come and they go.
And what the purpose is we'll never know,
But you can be sure each one serves a purpose oh yes,
And for the reason they are the best!

I hear that you are leaving, but that can't be so. You've told me I was stuck with you forever and I'd never see you go! 😊
I'm not sure if you where joking, or if you meant it as a threat? But either way you made me laugh and smile, so for that I never will forget. We've had many laughs together because you're just like me. There where time you'd leave me speechless. Yes you know how to be Ornery! 👻 But because you are leaving, yes it does make me sad. Because on this dark, depressing road I've travelled. You are one who's helped me to be glad.

A pretty purple flower, is what it was I see,
And it had made me think of Jamie,
So I took a picture,
So that I could send., so she could see.

As I sit and think,
What is it I should do?
When I picture my future,
I can't find a view.

He came into our lives just like the rest,
And for that he was one of the best!
He was fun and loving that's for sure,
And it was comforting to hear him purr!

I need to find a purpose, but what could it be.
It seems as though there is no future for me.
There's nothing I can do
To make a true difference in this world.

Always show your smile whenever you can
No matter if you're a boy, girl, woman, or man.
Your smile shows everyone that you're full of joy,
No matter if you're a girl or boy, the smile you have shows everyone the person you are. And the kind of heart that you have;

My Angel up in heaven,
I wanted you to know,
I still carry you within my heart,
Everywhere I go,

people don't understand. I can't help it but sometimes need a helping hand. I don't want to and don't like to have to ask. But at times if I don't. I can't complete a task. Some people are willing to help but some get upset. I have been taught how to do these things myself but can't help that I forget! When I only get to try every once in a while the memory won't stay with me it just gets thrown in a pile that will come to me again. Once I am shown. But if not made into a daily habit. That task just can't be grown.
I'm rehabilitating myself which means learning again. Because of the dreadful time when. My life came to a crossroad and I had went, and gotten myself into a horrible accident. All the doctors said that I was dead. But the lord had a different plan so instead! So I'm still here alive fighting everyday, To survive; I've come such a long way. But still trying to figure things out. Which way should I go. I have so much doubt. I just don't know.everything I look into most things can't be done because of physical abilities? yes those are a main one, reasons I'd struggle and can't complete the job.
But in all honesty it's people who it is that rob. Me of the chance to have a job. Because they let their stereotypical judgement; is what I find That overlooks potential because of the picture that's in their mind. most people hear the words (injury) and (brain) .put together. And that makes them think of something wrong or must be bad. But if you'd take the time to listen honestly you'd hear what it is they've overcome the struggles, challenges, and tasks they've gone through that are tougher than many people ever knew. Was something someone could have to face. But it's true, yes it's real. These people shouldn't feel any disgrace. They've fought with all their energy, heart, and soul. To begin again and make their life whole. They've accomplished a great task. And have probably done it wearing a mask. A mask to hide the pain and tears. Of struggling for years. Yes I said years/ that is right. Because this task isn't done easily over night. It takes a long long time. And there are things that they will never get back. Yes that's really hard knowing no matter how hard you try. You will always lack. The complete ability to do it yourself. And will have to rely on someone else. At least for me that's the way that I feel, and if you're wondering, yes every word of this poem is real! So if you want to label me; for something I can't be. Go ahead that's fine. You're not going to make me whine.
For I have finally begun to see the truth. That although I've lost everything from my youth. I've had to rebuild my life and although I may not have a wife, or kids as some seem to think since they do they're better than me. But they aren't able to see that what I've gone through I've made it successfully and it's only because of the grace of one who; decides when I'm done. And so far he's let me continue to progress. And clean up this mess! To start over again; so I pray, that is when I thank him for all his love! Yes he's the father above. Who we know is our lord, yes he's the one who from all my happiness has been poured!

You left us many years ago, it's still hard to think it's so. Each day I still shed tears but nobody seems to know,
They get upset with me. And say it's time to move on,
They just don't understand,
Due to the way that my life's gone,

Tyler Cobb Biography

I've experienced tragedy that many have never heard of! I was in an accident on an Atv. when I was 16 where I had jumped over a rock hill going up about 50ft. in the air and falling off the back landing on the right side of my head and crushing my skull having some pieces imprinted into my brain. Causing me a TBI. Putting me in a coma for 36 days. And I had a stroke paralyzing the left side of my body. I had no chance of surviving then after I did I had no chance of recovery. But after over 16 years of intensive rehabilitation every day I've recovered and amazingly come back I'm up walking I have to use a cane but hey I'm on my fret; I'm back to living in my own apartment and I'm working. I've proved many doctors and therapists wrong who said I never could or would.but I've proven that with hard work and faith in God, it can be done. I'm someone who can say positively. Never give up. Because although the doctors and professionals, may know the chances and ability's. They don't know the effort you're willing to put forth or the will of God for your life. So with that never ever give up!)

The Best Poem Of Tyler Cobb

Running Through Life.

I was running through life without a care, and then I flew through the air, I landed on my head, and the doctors had said that I should be dead, but then a miracle came despite a stroke and injury to my brain, I still have my life, even though the doctor had a knife that he had taken to my brain which Caused me less strain, but hey I'm still here just trying to steer clear, of any more problems in front of me, my future is hazy, I started back to school, nope I can't be a fool, I must graduate or else I will hate what I became that night while Acting so dumb. Now I must pass this goal, To make my life whole and begin again, with a smile on my chin. I thank my family for; sticking by me until the very end. So now I send all of my love to everyone above who has show me so much love, to help me back up on my feet so I can walk down the street and apologize to all of the lives, I have bothered along the way so I can once more and again say hey watch one day you wait and see I'll pay all of you back when there's something you lack I'll bring it to you with a smile, I just hope for you that's not for a while I'll take care of you until your wonderful again 'thank you my friend'!

Tyler Cobb Comments

Tyler Cobb Quotes

The destination, is not what you think it is. The dissolution doesn't matter, unless you enjoy the journey!

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