Zhirinovsky Toasts Trump Victory With Champagne Poem by Liza Sud

Zhirinovsky Toasts Trump Victory With Champagne

Zhirinovsky is drinking champagne
for the victory of Donald Trump,
he congratulates the USA,
we are friends, that is pleasant for us.

Over Moscow great peacefulness spills,
And the sparkling champagne plays so sweetly.
The new year will be light as feast,
So the prophet V.V.Zh. is speaking.

Donald Trump -is an angel- the rich.
He descends from the heavenly world.
his farsightedness helps him to see,
And he'll make peace with Russia of course.

Washington - and Moscow - and Beijing!
Let be peace over each of these cities!
To each one I wish prosperity,
and that all people's faces are beaming!


Жириновский шампанское пьет
за победу Дональда трампа,
в США поздравления шлет,
мы друзья с ним, и это приятно.

Над Москвой разливается мир,
И шампанское сладко играет.
Новый год будет легким, как пир,
Так пророк ВВЖ обещает.

Дональд Трамп - это ангел-богач.
Он спустился с небесного мира.
Он в своей дальновидности зряч,
И он будет мириться с Россией.

Вашингтон - и Москва - и Пекин!
Чтобы мир был над каждой столицей!
Чтобы все процвели, как один,
и сияли у всех людей лица!

Zhirinovsky Toasts Trump Victory With Champagne
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: victory
Daniel Brick 10 November 2016

Is that photo with my state MINNESOTA at the top Zhirinovsky with the glass? ! I sincerely hope your view of Trump is true because I, no, we, have an entirely different on him. His supporters have no interest in other countries - that vision of Russia/China/USA is alien to them. What I find troubling about Trump's electorate is their AMERICA FIRST attitude, That's how Trump has addressed them for the past several years, that's how they talk in person and on RADIO/TV. AMERICA FIRST - One of them is very famous Rush Limbaugh (radio) - he wants no alliance with any other country, USA doesn't give an inch - Limbaugh was saying that last week just before the Election. I am afraid the Trump Presidency is going to disappoint you. But you have to be prepared for these things. One of my closest friends was in tears over the election of Trump. Another messaged me: I DON'T RECOGNIZE MY COUNTRY ANYMORE. My twin sister considers Trump a bully and a woman-hater. That's how it is to our eyes and ears here. If you heard some of his supporters on the radio, you'd be shocked. One of them Jason Lewis said, Women are ignorant in politics. Someone has to enlighten them on who to vote. And it has to be a man. He said that on his political radio show, while defending Trump's tape of scurrilous remarks about women as BOYS WILL BE BOYS! Which is Trump's view of those tapes. Character, stature, moral strength - I don't see in him. But if I ever cross paths with Trump, I'm going to say, Mr. President, I have a close friend in Russia who trusts you to be a decent and generous man and a politician who will treat Russia and Russians fairly. How will you fulfill the trust she and others in Russia have in you? (That's what is important to me: that he doesn't disappoint you, dear Elizaveta! !)

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