Zues, By No One Poem by Deci Hernandez

Zues, By No One

Zues you fiend
Your name is Rape
Did you not know
I would judge you too

What did you think
The lightning in your
Hands could save you
In the day of my wrath

Your pillars of clouds
I'll cause you to inhale
Every bit of evil deed

You forgot it was I who gave
You authority I watched you hurt
My children
They are my children
Even you Zues
And all the titans under you
I created all

You thought your wrath
Was a match for mine

You see how your knees shake
And I am only whispering

All you titans come out
From under the rocks
I have come to strip you
Of every evil memory deed and thought

Now you are all naked

But my wrath is
Only one dropp spilled

And there are yet many
Viles that are filled

Every one of you
Who believed in Zues
Know now his true name
From Lucifer from Satan
From Serpent from Liar Murderer
Thief who robbed many

Why did you worship This pathetic thing
Because you thought I was gone
And accepted his fruit
Now I will judge every single
One of you

My Son remember how I promised
You Zues
Though he changed names and forms many
Times he was crafty and beguiled many
And had many chimes

Babylon Rome
Where else did you rome
Africa America Asia Bring them near
And anyone else all nations tounges
And tribes what was your philosophy
Evoltion democracy
Virgins and monks

My beloved Son
All your enemies are before
You to judge
Only remeber that We have saved

Christ is my name and I AM
I was the one crucified that day

Look now the line is drawn step forward
All who believed in my name
Do you see My Father's Kingdom come
Enter my beloved ones

Except you

Master remember i believed in your name
i believed in Jesus Father and Son i
Believed in your spirit i beieved in
The air in clouds in rivers
Snakes and bears i believed in happiness
That no one for no reason should
Have dispair in drunkness or in adutltery
In all things that were fun
i believed in you
That you were every where
Now let me enter thy kingdom come

Stand there with Satan
With him nash your teeth
For it was him that
you clave to your sins
Foolishly never did you
Believe in Me

Now my children all is done
You have been saved by faith even
In Christ put on forever
Your robes of white

As for the others
they will be tortured for ever
And forver be remembered
By no one

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Deci Hernandez

Deci Hernandez

Camp Verde Arizona
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