Zz The Double Standard Of Pbs Tv And Frontline Re Vladimir Putin Poem by Saiom Shriver

Zz The Double Standard Of Pbs Tv And Frontline Re Vladimir Putin

Frontline, a 'news' show of PBS TV, did a 'biography' of Vladimir Putin, mentioning

1. the 110 oligarchs of Russia (those profiteers who stole the people's assets after Harvard economists were indicted by the Clinton presidency for deliberate destabilization of the Russian economy) but not the 400 richest Americans (each of whom has more than 1.55 billion according to forbes.com)

2. that Putin put a rein on the oligarchs, jailing the most egregious of the thieves, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Frontline simultaneously criticized Putin for Russia's oligarchs (who amassed their wealth during the G H W Bush planned destabilization, at the same time Frontline criticized Putin for acting against one of the oligarchs. (What billionaire in the US has been put in jail?)

3. the past war in Russia but not the ongoing wars of the US,30 trillions of dollars or more for which have been stolen from the people of the US.

4. Putin's role as a minor officer in the KGB in E. Germany but not G H W Bush's role as head of the CIA

5. The assets of Putin but not that of Gerald Ford, who entered the presidency a man of modest means and left it as a billionaire, thanks to the pharmaceutical industry's 'swine flu vaccines'.

6. That Putin after Medyedev's term finished, began his 3rd term, but not that George Bush was never elected by the people of the US, not in 2000 nor in 2004.

7. secret trials in Russia but not the secret grand juries in the US, not the FISA Court secrecy, nor the trials in which the jurors are under gag rules and the court records sealed

Not mentioning

1. That Russia is among the 88% of the world's countries not involved in government murder, while the US remains one of the 12%, with the state of Texas executing more than many countries.

2. that Russia helps socialist countries while the US government overthrows democratically elected governments and assassinates socialist government leaders for the benefit of loan shark capitalism.

3. that Russia is not waging war against any country, while the handlers of our president are waging war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and other countries, murdering civilians and soldiers, animals, birds, reptiles, insects and trees.

4. A map of Goldman Sachs influence in the European Union, including in the Ukraine, can be seen as a motivation of socialist countries to take a stand.

This is written by a lifetime citizen of America, one who believes that before we point accusing fingers at others, we ourselves should be an honest democracy. With our unelected 5 Republicans who serve for life on the 'Supreme' Court, with our disproportionate Senate which gives cattle ranchers of Wyoming with its half million residents 72 times the power of citizens of California with its 36 million people, we have never been a democracy. The pawns of US oligarchs are oligarchs themselves in the US Senate. We have a rogue agency, the CIA, running amuck turning other countries' forests into muck as it bombs people who are sitting ducks. My own wish list for Russia includes disinvolving from the fur trade, deforesting lumber, etc.

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