Bijay Kant Dubey Poetry Poems

An Assessment Of Indian English Poetry

After so much so nagging and bragging,
We are reading it, going to make up our minds
As for to read the poetry written in English
By the Indians


If you peruse deeply, you will come toy our finding
That modern Indian English poetry initially began with
The stray poems and one books on the anvil
And they were not established writers, but were the beginners,

Painting Is Poetry In Sketches & Drawings

Sketches and drawings
Are poems
In images pictorial
And photographic

Indian English Poetry

Indian English poetry,
Indian not,
But Hindi, Bengali in English,
Punjabi, Haryanvi, Cchatishgarhi in English,

Poetry An Expression

Of thought and idea,
Image and feeling,
Reflection and memoir,
Reminiscence and recollection.,

If you ask me to write my thesis, I shall choose
The topic,
Contemporary Indian English Poetry,
A Study In The Bluff-Masters,

Poetry, Poetry, The Heart Of The Matter

Poetry as sounds,
Spoken words and written words,
Sounds heard, imitated and expressed.

Poets, Poets, Poets And Poetry

Poets, poets, poets, poets and poetry,
Poetry and the poets, poetry and the poets,
God, save me, save from the poets,
Poets coming, getting introduced to, showing the manuscripts

The Definition Of Poetry

Poetry scholastic, pedantic and medievalistic,
Poetry classical and theological,
Poetry metaphysical, moralistic and spiritual,
Poetry romantic, spontaneous, natural, imaginative, lyrical, fanciful and loveful,

Poetry, Poetry, Poetry, Will Madden Me And You/ You Poetry My Madness

Poetry, poetry, poetry,
You yourself are mad

Modern Indian English Poetry

Modern Indian English poetry of the modern age people,
New faces and voices
Beginning to write, struggling to make a way,
Parodying, emulating, copying, trying to perfect

Poetry, All About Poetry

Narrative poetry
And the poet a narrator in verse,
Lyrical poetry
And the poet a singer of the heart,

Modern Indian English poetry represents it not
Indian thought, culture and philosophy,
Myth and mysticism,

Poetry, What Is Poetry? Poetry Is Written Words

Poetry, what is poetry,
Poetry is written words,
Spoken not,

Is Poetry A Dying Art?

They say it that poetry is a dying art today,
Why do you write poetry,
What can it give?

Poetry Is Written Words

Poetry is written words,
Thought and written,
Copied and put down,
Printed and impressed upon.

Even If You'Re Not A Poet, Call You That You Write Poetry

Even if you're not a poet,
Yet to write the first poem of your life,
Call you
That you are a poet.

I Write Poetry For Self-Pleasure

I write poetry for self-pleasure
And the awards cannot bind me
As write I for getting pleasure,
For aesthetic pleasure,

What Is Indian English Poetry? (As Per Poets' Thematic Crux)

What is Indian English poetry?

Poetry if it is love for India and free discussion for Derozio, love dreams for Michael Madhusudan carried with the whiffs of an Englishman, romantic wisps and whiffs for Manmohan, yogic flashes and sadhna for Aurobindo together with the spirit of a rebel and a.cold logician having a flair for Latinized diction, the quest for identity and the theme of Indianness for Nissim, faded romanticism and mediocre flirts with it, physics and its light and darkness chapters together with the Big Bang theory for Jayanta, tragedies and tragic concepts for Daruwalla, man and woman in love in Khajuraho or Ajanta- Ellora figurines together with a study of Vatsyayana's Kamsuttra for Kamala and Shiv K.Kumar, dharma-artha-kama-moksha, a Rajneeshite shisya of the Rajneesh Ashrama, a modern girl desperate and distraught with materialism taking to the recourse of dharma-yoga, but the yogi there in the ashrama not a yogi, but a bhogi, a dhongi.

Indian English Poetry: A Historical Perspective

Had Ram Mohan Roy not talked of reforms
With William Bentick,
Had Lord Macaulay not talked of minutes
Taking out of vernaculars,

Is It Poetry? Yes, It Is Poetry

Is it poetry?
Yes, it is poetry,
Your poetry, my poetry,
The poetry of life.

Poetry As Philosophy, Philosophy As Poetry

Poetry as philosophy,
Philosophy as poetry

What Is Poetry? , The Same Old Topic

Poetry as the images of life,
Thoughts and feelings,
Emotions and sentiments,
Ideas and reflections,

Going to the ale hop
Want I not to take a bottle of daru,
Beer, brandy, rum, vodka,

Where you the missing man of Indian English poetry,
Appearing and vanishing out,
Appearing on the literary horizon
With Land’s End (1962) and Missing Person (1972)

Poetry, What Is Poetry?

Poetry, what is poetry,
Poetry classical, musical,
The words of life, songs of life,
Poetry poetry,

A Poetry Series

A Poetry-Series
The Saga Of The Dark Daughter
The Dark Daughter
(Dark Daughter, Dark The World, Dark You)

In Stephen Gill's Poetry

In Stephen Gill's poetry,
Three things can be heard and marked
To one's own realization,
The pain of Partition,

What Is Poetry? If You Ask And Take Their Views

Poetry is first and foremost a language
Of emotion and feeling,
Sentimental statements
Sensitive and sensuous,

The modern poets of Indian English poetry started
To be famous from the very beginning
When they started to bring out their first collections of poems
And in course of time, they just tried to evolve

The Pre-1947 Period Of Indian English Poetry

Where are they, where their books to be found,
On which dusty shelf or rack of the library,
Where those collections of yellow and pale pages,
Where those poets,

Poetry Of Himalayan Wisdom By Simanchal Patnaik

Poetry of Himalayan Wisdom by Simanchal Patnaik is in reality
A volume of some Himalayan height
As per his type and tenor of writing,
The magnum opus of the poet,

I Am A Classicist And My Poetry A Study In Classicism

I am a classicist by temperament
And my poetry a study in classicism
The golden ears and sheaves of the wheat glistening
Under the sun rays

None but I myself calling myself a poet,
None but I,
I praising you
And you me.

Indian English Poetry & The Sense Of Modernity

They were not modern,
But we made them modern
As per the English and American poets
Of the modern age,

The Poets Are The Mad Men And Poetry A Mad Man's Babbling

The poets are mad, mad men,
The very, very mad people
And the critics
The attendants of the mad men

Types Of Poetry

Folksy poetry,
War poetry,
Lyrical poetry,
Elegiac poetry,

The Myths Of Dark Daughters (Poetry Of The Dark Daughters)

Poetry as the dark daughters,
dark, but lovely,
mythical and mystical,
symbolical and historical,

What Is Poetry? How To Define It?

What is poetry, how to define it,
What the base of it?
Is poetry a selection of words,
Musical and lyrical,

The Poetry Of Assam

The myth and mystery of Assam,
Dark Assam,
People fearing to go
Once upon a time

Poetry As Broken Lines

Poetry as broken lines,
The sentences broken and dovetailed,
But the meaning continued on
With the rhythm of speech and expression

The Missing Man Of Indian English Poetry, Adil Jussawalla

A poet of the missing man,
Adil Jussawalla himself is the missing person
Of Indian English poetry,
The Parsi man and poet

Black Poetry, White Poetry, Is Poetry So?

Black poetry, white poetry,
Is poetry so?
Black is black,
But white,

Types And Tenors Of Poetry

What is poetry? How to study it? Who the practitioners of poesy?
Poetry poetry simply, the lines arranged, styled, adjusted with or called so.

Poetry poetry, emotional outburst, lyrical effusion and expression,

What Is Poetry? Poetry Is Light

What is poetry? Poetry is Light, Light Divine,
Seen by the sadhakas,
The seekers after Truth.

The Grammar Of Poetry

The grammar of poetry, where is it,
You say it to me,
In rhetoric and prosody
And its hard and fast rules,

Poetry As The Images Of Kali

In my poetry make I the images of Kali,
Kali pitch-dark,
Kali nocturnal and supernatural,
Kali of the sadhakas and the shamshanas,

A Reading Of Modern Indian English Poetry

There were of course many good teachers of the English language
But they dared not use it
As for taking to be an alien language,
One can be a scholar of one’s own mother tongue,

Poetry As Flowers

Think of poetry as flowers,
Why can they be not,
Roses pink and red?

Poetry as the mud houses thatched with straw,
Roofed with the bamboos,
I can see them making,
Striking the idea, getting at,

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