Raj Dronamraju Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Roller Derby

Poster dream fragments of Big Bertha
Massive arm extended, over the railing, landing flat on her back on the first row of folding chairs

Eating Chinese food on a Saturday morning

The Sponsor

I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice
When I say "Catch me honey, I'm on fire"
But I'm not on fire
Rather, I am like the guy in To Build A Fire by Jack London

French Revolution Again

In America, everyone thinks they are a celebrity
In America, every celebrity thinks they are a celebrity
And they are both wrong

Let's Just Be Friends

You are the most enticing invasive parasite
Robbing the host of nourishment and giving nothing back
You put your tongue in my ear and the words were like sandpaper
You were invisible during the lonely hours but I felt you poking me somewhere

Love Is Not The Census

Love is not the census
And I can't ask you questions
Buyer beware, you don't listen to me as much as I don't listen to you
And you hate the way I frame our encounters

Someone's Playing Guitar In The Living Room

Someone's playing guitar in the living room
It comes in and out of hearing
Like sputtering mind engine, triggering and engaging but missing the sequence

Terms Of Employment For The Projectionist

There are no big regrets that one could use as the basis for declaring a national holiday
There are only things not tried and people not tried harder with
You can see all of these regrets daily 12: 00,2: 30,5: 00,7: 30
Chew on stale popcorn, chew on stale living


I couldn't draw you close to me without some special help
The body forced by an external controlling mechanism
The mind crushed by solid resistance from the center of this planet

I Found Out The Soft Way

The extended kiss of a brave new world
Soft, rotted, repellent
Part of the plan that finds you tied down with bedsheets
Can't move as if many fathoms underwater

The Noose

I call you the noose and the one who cinches it around my neck
I can't see anyone of the sky family to pour out hopes too
And base the world's belief systems around

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